and I’m here to help you create order in a way that works with your creative multi-passionate brain
How I got here:
I always thought I was too scatterbrained to be the person who found what she wanted in life and I’d have to spend it bouncing from thing to thing, searching and unsatisfied for that perfect role that would keep me engaged and excited.
Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t one of those “magic light switch” stories where everything changed overnight… I still struggle with all the same things you do.
But everything did change when I learned there was a name for what I am – multi-passionate.
With that knowledge, I was able to start my business because I could finally accept that I didn’t have to find some magic job to satisfy all of my desires. I was able to create a business that allowed me to do just the parts I loved and outsource the rest.
For me, the real before and after story here was the realization that allowed me to see this really valuable skill I have that happens to be something I love to do.
That’s what I do for you, too.
So let me tell you what I know
You. I know you.
I know why you’ve spent hours DIYing (or hiring someone) to create systems that you never get around to implementing.
I remember what it’s like to buy all the programs and software to try to get organized, only to realize it’s not actually easier and you don’t even have time to set them up.
I understand that it’s not just about productivity and task management, it’s also about energy management.
If you’re not energetically motivated, your creativity doesn’t flow and it’s hard to get anything done.
But what if you could work in a way that allows you to only work on things you were actually excited to implement?

- You need someone like me who doesn’t need to be micromanaged and can do all the things you need but you never even knew you needed.
- Someone who knows what they’re supposed to be doing so you don’t have to stress or wonder if things will get done.
- Someone with really good taste and attention to detail to make sure that your brand always looks, feels, and sounds the way it should.
I’ll manage the work behind the scenes so you can keep doing the client attracting magic you love to do.
Need to hear the “whole story” first?

When I was 16, I got hired at a movie theater…
Just kidding. I won’t start that far back (but I DID get hired on the spot because my boss told my mom he could tell right away that I was “one of the good ones”).
Being a “scatterbrain” as a child was hard – turns out it was actually undiagnosed ADHD – so I had to learn how to navigate and create systems and processes so I could get around in the world from a young age.
But I never truly recognized this as a skill until I got a job working for an eLearning company and a manager pointed it out to me. She noticed how I was always thinking through how we were going to get something done – my first thoughts were always “how are we going to get from A to Z and how can we decide in advance how to get through any roadblocks that may come up?” Once I realized this, it seemed obvious that project management was a perfect fit.
You don’t need to spend any more time trying to DIY or wasting money (and valuable energy) trying to implement and manage everything by yourself in your business.