Planning, processes, & productivity for creative women entrepreneurs
Helping your service-based business
serve YOU better
Hi, I'm Kate.
I put things in order.
Things like your business, your to-do lists, your launch plans, your systems & processes.
I mean, yes I am a Project Manager (since 2014). And I was certified as an Online Business Manager in 2020 and became a Certified Dubsado Specialist in 2021.
But I don't do just one of any of those things. Like you, I'm a creative, multipassionate business owner. I use a combination of skills and expertise to help business owners plan more precisely, break down systems to build better ones, and solve complex, multi-faceted problems.
I'm a process mapper, systems nerd, and productivity mentor for creative women in online business.
Here’s what I know about you.
You’re a great business owner. Even if…
…staying focused and following through is a challenge (due to ADHD, shiny object syndrome, or demands of non-work life).
…planning the details is not your strong suit (you’re a big-picture, visionary thinker).
…working 80 hours a week is so not happening. (Who gives a crap what “Joe MBA” says every entrepreneur must do?)

Let me ask you a question.
How would running your business every day feel different if you could…
- Streamline and automate your client onboarding so details stop falling through the cracks?
- Have your next event planned down to the particulars so the whole team knows exactly what to do and when (and all you had to do was show up?)
- Regain momentum and confidently reach your goals (yes, even you, neurodivergent business owner) with a customized strategy designed to work with your unique needs?
This is where I come in
designing processes, building systems, and planning strategies for a service business that serves you, too.
Which solution fits your needs?

UNSTUCK: Planning & Productivity for the rest of us
Make your big business visions a reality (in a way that works with your actual time, energy, and unique brain.) Goal-based planning + accountability and consulting with a professional who understands your unique challenges.
Dubsado Setup Services and Workflow Strategy
Automate and organize your client management and communication so nothing falls through the cracks.
I offer done-for-you Dubsado setup, workflow-building, and Dubsado training in an easy VIP Day.

“I feel like I have a clearer path.”
I feel like I have a clearer path. Kate is a thought partner who helps you realistically lay out the groundwork that’ll help you be successful and complete your launch with a clear direction!
– Marietta Gentles Crawford, personal branding strategist

“Because of our planning session, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.”
Before my session with Kate, I had these looming things that I needed to do for my business and I was feeling the weight and guilt of my inability to get them done. Kate was able to take these giant projects, define them clearly and break them down into steps so that I knew exactly which step to take next. Because of our planning session, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.
– Karen Styles, Flow + Fire Coaching

“I’m charging more, giving myself more time, and feeling much more confident and relaxed!”
Working with Kate helped me figure out that I was basically short-changing myself by about 3-6 months on my client contracts. Now I’m charging more, giving myself more time, and feeling much more confident and relaxed!
– Natalie DeGoey, ndg creative

“I could not have made it happen without her.”
Kate helps me clarify my goals, brings new ideas and expertise to my project, and assists me in settings deadlines and tasks in a way that made a project that felt like a pipe dream into a reality. It is not an exaggeration to say that I could not have made it happen without her.

“I’m on a roll and super focused thanks to Kate.”
Thanks to a brilliant couple of hours with Kate Hutcheson, I have a whole re-organized set of packages that I’m REALLY excited about. I’m on a roll and super focused thanks to Kate. Feels so great to be going into November with a clear head and an organized business!
– Emily R. Halpern, A Creative Consultancy

“I trust and rely on her as my right-hand lady.”
Kate is like an angel from the heavens. She’s just *so good* at what she does and cares *so much* about the quality of her work – and the results I see in my business! – that I’m going to make her work with me forever. She’s always looking to lighten my load, making my launches, processes and systems both easier and more impactful than anything I can do on my own. I really trust and rely on her as my right-hand lady.

“With her support i market more consistently and spend more time focusing on clients.”
I was at a point in my business where if it wasn’t urgent, it wasn’t happening. Tasks would roll-over on my to-do list month after month until I ended up with a huge backlog of things to catch up on. Enter Kate. With her support I market more consistently, spend more time focusing on clients, and have help when special projects come up. I love knowing that when a new thing comes up I can file it under “Kate can handle that.”

“She helped me not just plan…but helped me feel even more excited about my project.”
I appreciated how enthusiastic Kate was about my project. She helped me not just plan my tasks and set deadlines, but helped me feel even more excited about my project. I would enthusiastically recommend this service to other creative entrepreneurs.

“Kate is top notch in both the image i want to create for my shop and in providing the service that i expect to be delivered.”
Kate is top notch in both the image I want to create for my shop and in providing the service that I expect to be delivered. She looks for ways to improve my business, makes suggestions and doesn’t wait for me to give her directives as she takes the initiative herself. I wholeheartedly wish she could work for me full time!