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Does Writing By Hand Improve Focus?

Does Writing By Hand Improve Focus?

Recently I read an article that talked about the importance of writing things out by hand when it comes to focus, memory, and creativity. The article is here, and it’s worth a look. Here’s what the author, Peter Gasca, says: "'students who write out their notes on...

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Say “Yes”

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Say “Yes”

Are you a people-pleaser? I know I am. I hate the thought that someone, somewhere might think anything negative about me. Of course, this is silly, and we'll get more into why it's silly in a moment, but when you want everyone to be happy with you all the time? It is...

What I Learned in a Week of Time-Batching

What I Learned in a Week of Time-Batching

Despite a natural tendency to be a bit scatter-brained (and a nagging suspicion that ADHD might run in my family), I pride myself on being a productive, fairly organized individual. I have a love for time-management, even if I sometimes lose focus and let my...



I’m Kate Hutcheson, a project manager and planning consultant for creative women entrepreneurs.

I have over 10 years’ experience helping both DIY solopreneurs and multi-6-figure earners get more clients, wrangle complex projects, and produce stellar content. I excel in listening to the big ideas, then creating the step-by-step plans that bring your ideas to life.