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The Top 5 Forgotten To-Dos in Online Launches
Forgotten tasks in a launch don’t just frustrate you and your team. They can literally cost you. These are the most common overlooked to-dos that I see in online launches. Add these tasks (and plenty of time for them!) in your next launch plan to start out ahead of the game.
Feel Guilty When You Say No? Say This, Instead
One of the greatest aspects of owning an online business has to be the ability to set your own schedule. For me, time freedom—setting my own hours—was the big dream, and I know plenty of other online business owners who want the same thing. But if your dream got a...
3 Myths (and One Truth) About Hiring a Virtual Assistant
I talk with women who own creative online businesses literally every day, so let me tell you—if you’ve said to yourself, “I know I need to hire a Virtual Assistant, but…” believe me. You are NOT alone. There’s no shortage of ways you could finish that sentence. That...
How to Prep Your Business for the Post-Pandemic World
Does the coronavirus pandemic have you afraid to make new offers online? Does selling your services as an online entrepreneur suddenly feel different? Scarier? I've heard a few variations of this fear in the past few weeks. Maybe you're telling yourself: "Nobody is...
Feeling PRESSURE TO DO MORE during the pandemic? Here’s how to deal.
A few days ago, I asked people in one of my communities how they were experiencing the stress of the pandemic in their businesses. One of the most common responses I got was that people are feeling a lot of extra pressure right now. Pressure to: Be more visible Have...
5 Ways to Know If Your Creative Business Is Leading You to Burnout
Often, organization doesn’t feel easy for creative online entrepreneurs like you. When you’re multipassionate, trying to corral those exciting and brilliant ideas can feel like herding (mental) cats. Let me ask you a question: does managing your business feel more...
5 Ways to Boost Your Mood and Reclaim Your Day
A few weeks ago, I was having one of those days. My kids woke up feeling argumentative, so they were talking back at every available opportunity. I realized I forgot to pick up my prescription the day before and I ran out of my meds. My schedule was packed to the...
1 Quick Hack Creative Entrepreneurs Can Use to Plan an Easier Launch
I've been thinking a lot lately about Buffer Time. White Space. Unscheduled Time. Whatever you want to call it, it's something I'm a little bit obsessed with right now (because I'm kind of hoarding it, but that's just where I am ATM.) pretend the ring is free time,...
How to Get Your Creativity Back When Work-Life Balance Seems Impossible
HERE'S A FUN EXERCISE: I WANT YOU TO THINK ABOUT TWO DIFFERENT TIMES IN YOUR LIFE. First, think about a time in your life when you felt WAY too busy. Maybe you had toddlers running around. Maybe your business was starting to take off and you couldn’t quite keep up...
4 Ways to Shift Your Work Mindset From Avoidance to Ease
If there's one thing that unites every client I've ever worked with (no exaggeration), it's the fact that we all come to a point in our plans when we hit A WALL. There's some task that has to get done, but you just... don't. Maybe you feel like you CAN'T or you JUST...

“With her support i market more consistently and spend more time focusing on clients.”
I was at a point in my business where if it wasn’t urgent, it wasn’t happening. Tasks would roll-over on my to-do list month after month until I ended up with a huge backlog of things to catch up on. Enter Kate. With her support I market more consistently, spend more time focusing on clients, and have help when special projects come up. I love knowing that when a new thing comes up I can file it under “Kate can handle that.”

“I could not have made it happen without her.”
Kate helps me clarify my goals, brings new ideas and expertise to my project, and assists me in settings deadlines and tasks in a way that made a project that felt like a pipe dream into a reality. It is not an exaggeration to say that I could not have made it happen without her.

“She helped me not just plan…but helped me feel even more excited about my project.”
I appreciated how enthusiastic Kate was about my project. She helped me not just plan my tasks and set deadlines, but helped me feel even more excited about my project. I would enthusiastically recommend this service to other creative entrepreneurs.

“Kate is top notch in both the image i want to create for my shop and in providing the service that i expect to be delivered.”
Kate is top notch in both the image I want to create for my shop and in providing the service that I expect to be delivered. She looks for ways to improve my business, makes suggestions and doesn’t wait for me to give her directives as she takes the initiative herself. I wholeheartedly wish she could work for me full time!

“I’m on a roll and super focused thanks to Kate.”
Thanks to a brilliant couple of hours with Kate Hutcheson, I have a whole re-organized set of packages that I’m REALLY excited about. I’m on a roll and super focused thanks to Kate. Feels so great to be going into November with a clear head and an organized business!
– Emily R. Halpern, A Creative Consultancy

“I’m charging more, giving myself more time, and feeling much more confident and relaxed!”
Working with Kate helped me figure out that I was basically short-changing myself by about 3-6 months on my client contracts. Now I’m charging more, giving myself more time, and feeling much more confident and relaxed!
– Natalie DeGoey, ndg creative

“I feel like I have a clearer path.”
I feel like I have a clearer path. Kate is a thought partner who helps you realistically lay out the groundwork that’ll help you be successful and complete your launch with a clear direction!